The Touch Point Healthy Process [Infographic]

With the cold and flu season quickly approaching it is important to review your infection prevention protocol. Maybe you don’t have one or maybe you’re looking to revamp what is already in place. No matter what your reasoning is, you are reading this for a reason so let’s get any of those lingering questions answered. The Touch Point Healthy process focuses on 5 disinfection best practices from the FACTS Based Protocol. This protocol was developed by E-Mist Innovations to address a need for proper surface disinfection and helps facilities achieve Touch Point Healthy Certification.

The infographic below aims to briefly sum up the protocol so you can get an idea of what it is all about. After you are through feel free to follow any of the links above or check out our free self-paced 5 Steps to a Healthier Facility e-course.

Touch Point Healthy FACTS Protocol Infographic

5 steps to a healthier facility ecourse