A Few of My Favorite Pool Games
Summer is the best season to catch up with friends and have a little fun. And if you have a pool, everyone will want to come to your place and hangout on a hot day. What can you do with everyone at your place though? Tan next to the pool and only jump in when you’re too hot? Pools are made for fun, not to just cool you down, so we’ve complied a list of the best pool games anyone can play next time you’re using your pool.
- Marco Polo – This is a classic. Everyone at some point in their lives has played this game. For some reason we stop playing it when we get older. That’s crazy! It’s time to bring this back. This perfect summer game has no limit on players and everyone can splash around in the water and still stay cool. The rules are pretty simple. One person closes their eyes and swims around the pool calling out ‘Marco!’ All the other players swim away from the person and call out ‘Polo!’ This continues until the person with their eyes closed catches another player. That player now becomes Marco and the game resets. This is a perfect game if you’re looking for a little competition and a way to include some younger members of the family.
- Treasure Hunt – This game is perfect for when you want to have some lighthearted competition with your friends or family. One person hides a ‘treasure’ somewhere on the bottom of the pool and the other players race to find it. Whoever finds the treasure first wins. The treasure can be anything you want, a coin, a pool toy that sinks, even a shoe! Whoever is hiding the treasure tells the other players to close their eyes and count to 10. During that time, the treasure can be hidden.This game can have an unlimited amount of players and is fun for the whole family.
- Shark – This game is similar to Marco Polo except it has a couple twists. The ‘Shark’ can leave their eyes open, and players can leave the pool. The shark chases players around the pool. Once the shark tags a player, that player becomes the new shark. Players can leave the water, but only for 5 seconds. Shark is a game that can have an unlimited number of players and is a fun game to play with young swimmers.
We came up with a few fun summertime games, but we want to hear from YOU! Check us out on Facebook or Twitter and let us know what your favorite game is! You could be mentioned in a later post! Also nothing ruins a day of summer fun like someone getting hurt so remember that children should never swim without adult supervision and you should never run in the areas surrounding the pool.
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